From Dublin to the airport



Sunday, September 11, 2011

This morning we woke up with less encouragement than the previous days, this morning you already "know" farewell to Dublin and our travel to Ireland. We don't want to leave, but in a few hours we will have to leave Dublin to the airport and with that the end of this trip will come.
But before we put on long faces, we prefer to pack our bags, leave them at the reception of the Leeson Lodge House and go straight to breakfast !!

We stop at a cafeteria and eat a couple of sweets with 2 well-loaded coffees to get a little warm.
And like yesterday, we show you our day in images!

St. Stephen Green in Dublin

Merrion Square Park path

Merrion Square Park

Kilmainham Gaol

Kilmainham Gaol

Kilmainham Gaol

Kilmainham Gaol

Kilmainham Gaol

Kilmainham Gaol

Temple bar

Dublin Doors

Dublin Doors

Dublin Doors

Dublin Doors

Dublin Doors

After lunch we return to the Leeson Lodge House to collect our bags to go to the bus stop that will take us from Dublin to the airport and that saw us arrive today 10 days ago.

Book your transfer Airport⇆Dublin here

As we usually do these last hours of the trip we make them quieter than usual and we may want to savor these moments “in solitude”.
It didn't take long to arrive from Dublin to the airport, we invoice and wait for them to announce our flight.
For more information on the transfer you can read this post on how to go from Dublin airport to downtown.
We come back home…
While we fly we remember the travel to Ireland, we remember the rain, we remember the landscapes ...

